High performance racecar drivers and pilots overcome obstacle courses with an interesting technique. They visualize the "path around" any obstacle or barrier in their way.
One professional pilot described the risks very succinctly: "If you look at the barrier, you will most likely hit it. If you look at the path around the barrier, you will be successful and maintain your momentum."
How often do we focus on the negative barriers or obstacles in our own work or personal situations?
- I have watched teams implode because polarized groups took sides; each focused on negative aspects of the other position.
- I have watched marriages falter because one or both parties focused on the negatives and irritations of the other partner.
- I have watched business ventures fail because partners lost trust in each other and each "dug in" to a position that they could not work through to a resolution.
The secret? Creative thinking, using "outside the box" analysis with the goal of creating a unified "new approach" to an agreed upon end solution.
Ha! Easy to say, but how does one actually accomplish this?
1) Agree on a common vision or end result; get everyone on the same page. Restating your end result as a "vision statement" can be helpful:
2) Use creative thinking techniques to brainstorm alternative solutions (remember: ignore the barriers and negatives, focus only on new, innovative alternatives)
3) Filter your list of brainstormed alternatives into an agreed ranking of highest to lowest priority. If necessary, you may have to agree first on the criteria to be applied to calculate the ranking. For example, must be a) within current budget, b) feasible with existing staff resources, c) leaves no department at a significant market disadvantage, etc.
If you can break out of the downward spiral of negative emotion, you have a good chance of eliminating that 4-letter word, "can't" from the vocabulary of your business.
It's all about focus -- concentrate on the end vision to drive your success!