The following tips come from a sports coach at Shelby High School in Montana, Ray Wanty. Ray distilled his learning and coaching of successful athletes into 5 key elements. I think these 5 key elements apply equally to business, and even to overall personal success. Consider them and see if you agree:
The Level of Our Success is Dependent on…
1. The Daily Habits We Create
- am I creating good habits?
- am I getting rid of bad habits?
- do I add new habits regularly that keep me growing and developing?
... my daily habits become the core expression of who I am
2. Our Most Dominant Thoughts
- my thoughts drive my feelings, which drive my behavior
- positive thoughts will keep me upbeat
- I need to control and focus the "channels" in my brain
... my thoughts eventually become my beliefs and my behavior and my destiny
3. How Well We Serve Others
- my interaction with others builds my own network and support system
- my service to others builds my esteem and credibility
... my behavior in my community establishes my reputation and esteem
4. The Amount of Sincere Gratitude You Show
- my sincerity and gratitude provide opportunity for leadership
- my sincerity and gratitude allow me to fully enjoy my successes
... my sincerity and gratitude will build and strengthen my relationships
5. The Level of Commitment Towards Your Passion (Singleness of Purpose)
- Commitment to my passion helps me remain focused on the end goal
- Commitment to my passion heps me fend of distractions
- Commitment to my passion increases my speed of success
... Commitment and Singleness of Purpose is the ingredient that links my thoughts, behaviors, support systems and relationships together to attain success