Ever feel like your brain is already drained and it's only 10am in the morning? In our office, the post-December crush means finishing the financial results for 2010 and then getting ready for auditors. Spreadsheets, journal entries, status reports, reconciling calculations, spreadsheets, analyzing the numbers, more spreadsheets.........
So how do you refresh yourself and keep from sinking into a mental fog? Try one or more of these ideas to shake up the doldrums:
1) Skip the inter-office mail and take a quick walk to personally "deliver" a document from your out-basket. You can add a quick verbal comment and "context" about the document to your intended recipient -- saves them time and gives you a mental break
2) Turn on a music channel for background on your computer (quiet, though, so you don't disturb your neighbours!)
3) Stand up and stretch, then pop a couple of TicTac mints from a stash in your desk (yes, we all have a stash of goodies in our desk, don't we?). This will shift your environment and liven different sensors in your brain.
4) Walk to the water cooler and top up your glass with water, and even add a flavor packet like Crystal Lite. While you are up from your desk, do a few arm or leg stretches. When you get back to your desk, check your email or return a phone call to change up your routine.
5) Sort your desk into piles of work:
"A" pile is the most critical (must be done today),
"B" pile is important (could be delayed to end of the week)
"C" pile (nice to do or small quick items,with no deadlines expected).
Then process ONE THING in any pile that has been annoying you or that you have been avoiding completing. You will feel so much better getting organized and removing irritations off your desk! After that, focus on the A pile first for the rest of the day.